Grades K-12 (Ages 5-18)
Website: ALEKS Math
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Full Curriculum
ALEKS is a research-based, online math learning program. ALEKS utilizes a web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and self-paced learning system that uses questioning to quickly and accurately assess and instruct students in learning objectives.
A pie chart shows students what to work on based on assessment results. Each slice of the pie is a topic or part of the course. As students master topics, different pieces of the pie will become available to work on.
As students work through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses to ensure that topics learned are also retained.
Demo Account Information:
Click here to make a free account to explore ALEKS Math.
What's Available:
A OpenEd Course Mentor to mentor students, grade assignments, and offer feedback
Learn More:
See how ALEKS works
Watch a student account overview
View the System Requirements
Q: How can I know which course is the best one for me?
A: Click here to view the ALEKS Course Recommendations