How it works

See options in action for students ages 5-18

Discover what's possible - try it for yourself!

OpenEd gives families access to the most flexible, student-tailored education program in the world. Take these four easy steps to try our sample Schedule Builder for yourself and see just how personalized our program can be for your child.

Step 1: Select your child's age.

Step 2: Choose a sample to get an idea of what's possible.

Step 3: Click "Create a sample schedule".

Step 4: Click the drop down options* to customize it even more!

*Unsure of what the different terms in the drop down options mean? Watch our 5 short explainer videos below and review our Course Catalog to learn more!

REMEMBER: This sample schedule simply illustrates a small handful of possible options in a universe of combinations. With MTH, you have the power to create exactly the education experience you and your child want.

Scroll left to view schedule.

Course Type
Period 1
MTH Direct
Includes access to the MTH digital library of core curriculum resources which map to Utah standards
Period 2
Period 3
Language Arts
Period 4
Science OR Social Studies
Period 5
Technology OR Entrepreneurship
Period 6
Another Core or Elective
Period 7
Optional Core or Elective
A class in optional Period 7 (mainly for diploma-seeking students) will affect the student's available Technology Allowance.
Explainer videos

What is Homeroom?

Homeroom is a digital gathering place where students submit Weekly Learning Logs, connect with a certified teacher, and access an extensive digital library of amazing educational resources.

Explainer videos

What is a My Tech High Direct course?

My Tech High Direct courses are paid for by MTH and delivered directly to you. Choose your favorite courses and providers from our extensive course catalog.

View Course Catalog

Explainer videos

What is a Custom-built course?

My Tech High offers a Custom-built option so you have freedom to create personalized learning experiences for your child. Enroll in a community dance or art class, register for a course at your local university, or design your own class using such resources as museum memberships, subscriptions, and more! For these courses you can place a Direct Order or purchase approved resources and get reimbursed.

Explainer videos

What is a 3rd Party Provider course?

Enroll in a community art, dance, or swimming class. Register for a course at your local university. My Tech High provides tuition reimbursement for publicly-available live and online group classes.

Explainer videos

What is a Technology Allowance?

My Tech High provides an annual, school-approved technology allowance to ensure students have access to a computer, high-speed internet, and other approved educational resources.

Excited about what you see?

Apply now and begin the journey of creating your child’s own personalized education plan.

Live in Oregon?  Explore additional details here.

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