Grades K-12 (Ages 5-18)
BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.
Website: BrainPOP Grade 4-12, Age 9-18
Website: BrainPOP Jr. Grade K-3, Age 5-8
Included Homeroom Resource
BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. feature award-winning educational resources and animated content that engage students and bolster the achievement of state standards in all subject areas. BrainPOP offers more than 1,200 educational movies, quizzes and learning games that supplement learning in every subject. The wide variety of learning activities help students build knowledge, apply and assess understanding, and deepen and extend learning on topics across the curriculum.
What's Available:
Animated Movies
Interactive Quizzes
Leveled Readings
Vocabulary Activities
Concept Mapping
Creative Coding
Learning Games
Graphic Organizers
Content in Spanish and French
Learn More:
Preview available lessons with these home learning activities
Read about BrainPOP’s mission to empower kids to understand the world around them and within them
Check out the Student Work Hall of Fame to find inspiration for a new creative assignment