Grades K-8 (Ages 5-13)
DreamBox Learning Math
Website: Dreambox Learning Math
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Supplemental Curriculum
DreamBox Learning Math is a self-paced supplemental math curriculum. It is delivered through the most advanced learning technology and taught in a way that makes learning fun. The curriculum develops conceptual understanding, computational fluency, and problem-solving ability. DreamBox offers over 2,000 lessons with millions of paths through the curriculum. To engage students exactly where they are, it adjusts in real-time, adapting hints, level of difficulty, pace, and sequence.
Demo Account Information:
Click here to make a free 14-day trial account to explore DreamBox Math.
What's Available:
Parent account to see progress, reports, and curriculum
Learn More:
Watch an Introduction to DreamBox Math
Play through a sample lesson