Grades 6-12 (Ages 11-18)
Edmentum Courseware
Website: Edmentum Courseware
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Full Curriculum
Edmentum Courseware provides comprehensive online courses with engaging, interactive, media-rich content. Courseware uses a mastery-based model, with each learning module/lesson focused on one individual concept. An initial pre-assessment will place students at a starting level within a subject.
Courseware’s efficacy-backed curricula are grounded in sound instructional design and use a mastery-based approach to meet all students at their individual levels. Each curriculum delivers media-rich experiences, including project-based learning activities to support active, engaged, long-term concept retention. Each lesson includes readings, videos, interactive questions, practice, links to supplementary resources, and pre and post-tests for each subject.
A OpenEd Mentor will be assigned as a teacher within the platform to view progress, grade assignments, support students, and set target dates and pacing calendars. Parents are also given a teacher account to use as desired.
Demo Account Information:
Fill out this form to request a demo of Edmentum Courseware.
What's Available:
2024-25 Course Catalog Note: If you see a course in the Edmentum Course Catalog you would like that is not listed in Schedule Builder, please reach out to software@mytechhigh.com.
Learn More:
Explore what your learner can expect
Q: If my student completes their Courseware course early, can they move ahead?
A: Students may complete as many Courseware courses as possible within the same subject during the year or semester. After completing a class, please use this form to request a new course.