Grades K-12 (Ages 5-18)
Exact Path
Website: Exact Path
Included Homeroom Resource
Exact Path combines adaptive diagnostic assessments with individualized learning pathways to promote growth for K-12 grade students in Math, Reading, and Language Arts. All students automatically receive a personalized learning path that is tailored to their academic goals. It starts with an adaptive assessment to target each child’s academic strengths and weaknesses, then prescribes a personalized learning path of lessons, practice, and assessment based on specific strengths and needs.
Once in their learning path, students receive one skill to work on at a time, which can consist of a lesson, practice, and Progress Check. These short Progress Checks assess learning at the end of each skill module and adapt the learning path going forward. With Exact Path, students will be well on their way to improving their academic achievement!
What’s Available:
Reliable and adaptive diagnostic assessments
Learning paths aligned to state standards
Growth and grade-level proficiency reporting
Parent accounts available upon request to track student progress, monitor mastery, and view reports
Learn More:
Watch an Overview Video
Watch the Quick Start Demo Video
Learn more about diagnostic testing
Read the K-2 Student Guide
Read the 3-5 Student Guide
Additional Information:
See a demo of a student perspective and learn more about the assessments, learning paths, and reports in this video made specifically for OpenEd families.