Grades K-8 (Ages 5-13)

Generation Genius

Generation Genius is a K-8 teaching resource that brings science and math standards to life through fun and educational videos paired with lesson plans, activities, quizzes, and more. Science videos are produced in partnership with the National Science Teaching Association and are aligned to standards in all 50 states. Math videos are produced in partnership with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and cover 96% of Common Core Math Topics. Each video is approximately 12 minutes long and comes with a lesson plan, discussion questions, vocabulary, and quizzes.

What's Available:

  • Standards-Based Engaging Videos

  • Quizzes and Assessments

  • Online Kahoot Games

  • Reading Material

  • Hands-on Activities

  • Teacher Guides

  • Discussion Questions

  • 5E Lesson Plans

  • Vocabulary Words

  • Lessons organized by topic and grade level

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