Grades K-10 (Ages 5-15)
Imagine Math
Website: Imagine Math
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Full Curriculum
Imagine Math motivates students to learn, understand, and love math through two distinct learning environments. Early learners are immersed in a storybook environment filled with connectible characters, memorable songs, captivating storylines, and rich graphics that engage students while teaching them to see how math exists all around the world.
For students in grades 3+, the research-based, self-paced program includes rigorous adaptive instruction, contests/points/games to increase motivation, and progress tracking through integrated benchmark assessments.
Demo Account Information:
Fill out this form to request a demo of Imagine Math.
What's Available:
Access to live, certified, bilingual math teachers for additional support
An optional Parent Portal for tracking performance, printing completion certificates, and more
Custom, flexible learning pathways that fit the scope and sequence of your district’s curriculum map
Learn More:
Watch an Overview of the K-2 Program
Explore K-2 Curriculum Topics
Explore how to Use the K-2 Program at Home
Watch an Overview of 3+ Program
Explore how to Use the 3+ Program at Home
View the System Requirements