Grades K-12 (Ages 5-18)
Website: IXL
Mode: My Tech High Mentor-Supported
Supplemental Curriculum
IXL is an immersive, self-paced, question-based learning experience that provides comprehensive, standards-aligned content for math, language arts, science, and social studies. IXL’s adaptive questions automatically adjust to the right level of difficulty.
IXL breaks down topics into progressive skills for each grade level and content area and provides immediate feedback, including specific explanations for every incorrect answer. A wide variety of questions keep practice sessions fresh and enable all types of learners to excel. IXL includes vibrant visuals and interactive questions.
Schedule Information:
Selecting IXL for one Period gives students access to all IXL subjects. There is no need to choose IXL for more than one Period.
Demo Account Information:
- Click here to make a free, 30-day trial account to explore IXL.
What's Available:
Unlimited access to all grades for math (K-12), science (K-8), Language Arts (K-12), and social studies (K-8)
Progressive skills for each grade level and content area with immediate feedback
Question-based learning that can be correlated with state standards
Learn More:
Watch an Overview of IXL
Explore Math topics
Explore Language Arts topics
Explore Science topics
Explore Social Studies topics
View the System Requirements
Q: How does IXL teach?
A: IXL is question-based and does not include instruction, lesson plans, or curriculum.
Q: Does IXL include ACT prep?
A: The curriculum offers a wide range of content aligned with topics covered on the ACT and includes an ACT Skill Plan for Math and English that guides students to the right IXL skills and helps set them up for success. Students can target an ACT score range based on their learning needs and build mastery of the aligned skills at their own pace.
Q: Is IXL Spanish available?
A: IXL Spanish is not available with a OpenEd subscription.