Grades K-8 (Ages 5-13)
Savvas Literacy
Website: Savvas Literacy
Available By Request in InfoCenter
Savvas Literacy offers two high-quality literacy programs tailored to elementary and middle school students.
myView Literacy for grades K-5 is a structured and interactive core-literacy program aligned to the Science of Reading. It features daily explicit and systematic foundational skills instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and word study–the basic building blocks of reading instruction. There is also comprehensive instruction in the foundational skills of writing, such as language, handwriting, spelling, conventions, and composition.
myPerspectives® English Language Arts for grades 6–8 is a research-based, comprehensive literacy solution designed to support student learning. Purposeful activities foster student ownership of learning and reflect real-world scenarios. As students read relevant and diverse texts and hone their communication skills, they will use transferable strategies and develop lifelong learning habits that help them be successful wherever they go.
Savvas Literacy requires instruction from a parent or other primary educator. OpenEd will also provide a mentor to give regular check-ins and tailored advice, guidance, and support.
What's Available:
Grade-specific content (please select the appropriate grade level for your student)
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Learn more about myView Literacy
Learn more about myPerspectives ELA