Grades K-8 (Ages 5-13)
Savvas Social Studies
Website: Savvas Social Studies
Available By Request in InfoCenter
myWorld Interactive is an inquiry-based social studies curriculum that promotes democratic values, community, and cultural diversity, as well as critical thinking, problem solving, evidence-based reasoning, and communications skills. The social studies resources and digital history curriculum are grounded in a deep understanding of civic ideals and practices, active citizenship, and global conversation.
myWorld Interactive requires instruction from a parent or other primary educator. OpenEd will also provide a mentor to give regular check-ins and tailored advice, guidance, and support.
What's Available:
- Grade specific content
Grades K-5 please select the appropriate grade level for your student
Grades 6-8 choose from U.S. History, World Geography, World History, or Civics
Learn More:
Learn more about myWorld Interactive K-5
Learn more about myWorld Interactive 6-8